Endodontics is the branch of dentistry aimed at treating infections in the root canal system through highly specialized treatment. This procedure becomes essential when the Dental X-rays show that the pulp that keeps your teeth intact is spoiled by harmful bacteria. If not treated on time, bacteria can extend and reproduce, leading to unbearable pain, bacterial puss, bad breath, gum swelling, and other oral diseases. There is nothing better than a healthy tooth. However, sometimes an infection can arise due to reasons such as damage to the teeth, leaky fillings, and tooth decay. Root canal system houses the dental pulp that continues from the upper region to the root of the teeth. The pulp chamber contains tiny nerves, blood vessels, and tissues. This natural cavity distributes essential nutrients to the teeth. When a person gets a bacterial infection, the tissues inside the pulp start to decompose and sooner or later turn into puss.
We have the highest infection control standards and ongoing continuing education. We use digital radiography (X-rays). They are safer, better, faster, and smarter.
Pioneers Dental Center uses highest standards of sterilization because the patient's safety is our first. The highest standards of sterilization and cleanliness are maintained in our clinic.